DHLD-005: Olen ainus õpilane joogakogemuse klassis ja ainus mees ... Mida rohkem ma arvan, et mind ei tohiks valesti mõista kui erootilistel eesmärkidel osalemist, seda rohkem reageerin sellele, kui näen ilusaid tuharaid ilusast juhendajast välja torkamas. Leidsin alakõhust punni, nii et otsustasin usaldada end grupi erootilisele tunnile, mis ei kuulunud kogemuskursusesse ...

I'm the only student in the yoga experience class and the only man ... The more I think that I should not be misunderstood as participating for erotic purposes, the more my reacts when I see the beautiful buttocks sticking out of the beautiful instructor. I found a bulge in my lower abdomen, so I decided to entrust myself to a group erotic lesson that was not included in the experience course ...

Kinodes alates: 08/01/2024
Kestus: 116 Min
Studio: OFFICE K'S