GDHH-160: Ime rullub lahti osalise tööajaga koolis, mis on täis endisi odamehi! Kõik tüdrukud on vormiriietuses, kuid nende vanused on erinevad! Ja ma olen ainus mees! Osalise tööajaga koolis, kus ma käin, on kohustuslik kanda vormiriietust vastavalt kooli reeglitele! Erinevate põlvkondade tüdrukud tulevad klassi oma koolivormis, nii et iga päev on põnev! Veelgi enam, kõik olid varem ...
A miracle unfolds at a part-time school full of former spearmen! All the girls are in uniform, but their ages are different! And I'm the only man! At the part-time school I attend, it is mandatory to wear a uniform according to the school rules! Girls of various generations come to the class in their school uniforms, so every day is exciting! What's more, everyone used to be a ...