FONE-127: Jaapanis esmakordselt avaldatud postitatud video sai tugevaimalt väikeselt kuradi amatöörilt Ruka Pyeonilt süütu inglinäoga. "Nooruse privileeg! - Väga erootiline video, mis mängis vana mr./ms.mehega lapsest, kes tabas SNS-i väikese idioodina ja võttis orava.

A posted video received from the strongest little devil amateur Ruka Pyeon with an innocent angel face, released for the first time in Japan. "The privilege of youth! - A very erotic video that played with the old Mr./ of the child who caught on SNS as a small idiot and took a squirrel.

Kinodes alates: 12/12/2020
Kestus: 145 Min
Studio: First Star