GDHH-067: Abiellusin vanema mehega, kes oli minust 30 aastat vanem. Mul pole kaebusi oma abikaasa kohta, kellel on stabiilne sissetulek ja kes mind rikub ... Aga... Mul ei ole enam füüsilist suhet ja ma olen alati pettunud. Minu esimene kuumaveeallika reis pärast abiellumist. Lõin silmsidet ühe noormehega, kes tuli sinna jääma, ja ma ei suutnud temalt silmi maha võtta.

I married an older man who was 30 years older than me. I have no complaints about my husband, who has a stable income and spoils me ... But... I don't have a physical relationship anymore and I'm always frustrated. My first hot spring trip since I got married. I made eye contact with a young man who came to stay there, and I couldn't take my eyes off him.

Kinodes alates: 08/19/2017
Kestus: 185 Min
Studio: Golden Time