HUNTB-228: "It's in, isn't it?" "It's not in, it's through the tights" Taking advantage of the kindness of the class president, if you let me do intercrural sex through the tights, I will shoot a lot and a serious girl ...

Release Date: 03/03/2022
Runtime: 190 min
Studio: Hunter
The chairman of the committee, who was worried about me refusing to go to school, came to my house and asked, "Is there anything you want me to do?", So when I said that I wanted to have sex, I said, "If you come to school ..."! But I just rubbed it. However, if it's not direct, I'm begging you to take off your pants! "If you want to come to school," he reluctantly agreed. - If you do intercrural sex through no panties tights, you will unintentionally shoot a large amount! However, when the chairman who was excited by the sperm on the tights violently did the intercrural sex as it was, he broke the tights.