FSDSS-882: - ބޯކޮށް ވާރޭ ވެހުމުގެ ސަބަބުން އޮޔާދިޔަ ސީރިއަސް ސަބްޑިނޭޓަކަށް އަހަރެން އޭނާގެ ފޭރާން ދިންއިރު، އޭނާއާއެކު ދިރިއުޅެމުން ދިޔަ ގަލް ވަރަށް ކުޑަވެފައި، ދިފާއުނެތް ތިރީ ބުރަކަށިތައް މާ ބޮޑަށް އެރޮޓިކް ... ޔުނާ ހީނާނޯ
- When I lent her clothes to a serious subordinate who was soaked by heavy rain, the gal who was living with her was too small and the defenseless lower breasts were too erotic ... Yuna Hinano