ROYD-181: ކޮންމެ ދުވަހަކު ވެސް މަޑުކުރަން އަންނަ ލޯބިވެރިޔަކު ހުރި އަންހެން ރަހުމަތްތެރިޔަކު ނޭނގި އަހަރެންނަށް އޮޅުވާލީ، ހިތްވަރު ނުލިބި މަރުގެ ހާލުގައި މެއި އިޓްސުކައިޗީ
I was unconsciously seduced by a female friend who had a boyfriend who came to stay every day, and I couldn't find the courage and was in a state of death Mei Itsukaichi