RTP-063: - Drygioni cyfrinachol ar ferch sy'n edrych yn dawel sy'n gwisgo'n ddi-dor â thawelwch meddwl oherwydd ei bod mewn kotatsu. - Mewn sefyllfa lle mae rhywun o gwmpas a dyw hi ddim yn gallu siarad, roedd hi mor gyffrous nes i'w pants wlychu a rhoi gwlyb i mi ... 2

- Secretly mischief on a quiet-looking girl who is dressed defenselessly with peace of mind because she is in a kotatsu. - In a situation where there is someone around and she can't speak, she was so excited that her pants got wet and gave me a wet ... 2

Dyddiad Rhyddhau: 01/01/2016
Runtime: 105 Munud
Stiwdio: .DOC