MIDV-757: Er bod fy rhieni i ffwrdd ar daith, daeth ffrind fy mhlentyndod a dweud, "Cefais gariad am y tro cyntaf, a allwch chi ymarfer rhyw unwaith yn unig?" - Dywedais mai dim ond unwaith oedd hi, ond deffroais i er pleser Ji Po gormod a chael rhyw ergyd wain am dri diwrnod a thair noson heb rwber Rokka Ono
While my parents were away on a trip, my childhood friend came and said, "I got a boyfriend for the first time, can you practice sex just once?" - I said that it was only once, but I woke up to the pleasure of Ji Po too much and had vaginal shot sex for three days and three nights without rubber Rokka Ono