SCPX-109: - Nid yw chwarae peryglus gyda thân yn stopio ymhlith y gwragedd sydd wedi gorffen magu plant! Does dim ots os yw'n ffrind i'm mab! - Moms nad oes ganddynt chi ● po ni all ollwng gafael ar y bach heb ei ail ● ffon sy'n cadw codi o'r unig Ma ● Ko! - Dwyn llygaid eich teulu a chadw'n amrwd unrhyw bryd yn unrhyw le!
- Dangerous play with fire does not stop among the wives who have finished raising children! It doesn't matter if it's my son's friend! - Moms who don't have a chi ● po can't let go of the unequaled little ● stick that keeps erection from the lonely Ma ● Ko! - Steal the eyes of your family and keep raw anytime anywhere!