SW-457: - Cefais fy ngweld gan athro a welodd lyfr erotig! Daeth athro (athrawes benywaidd) i'm tŷ, sydd ar hyn o bryd yng nghanol adolygiadau gwych. Dwi'n poeni am y panchira a'r frest yn fflicio mod i'n gallu gweld. - Pan na allwn ei sefyll a rhedeg allan o'r ystafell, fe wnes i ddod o hyd i lyfr erotig, a doeddwn i ddim yn hoffi llygaid yr athro a oedd yn ymddangos yn gyffrous.
- I was seen by a teacher who saw an erotic book! A teacher (female teacher) came to my house, which is currently in the midst of rave reviews. I'm worried about the panchira and chest flickering that I can see. - When I couldn't stand it and ran out of the room, I found an erotic book, and I didn't like the eyes of the teacher who seemed to be excited.