GDHH-068: - Fel arfer mae hi'n chwaer-yng-nghyfraith bullish ac mae ganddi awyrgylch rhyfedd gyda chyswllt agos iawn! Yn sydyn, mae fy chwaer-yng-nghyfraith wyneb ciwt, ond mae ganddi ychydig o anhawster gyda'i phersonoliaeth! Beth bynnag, dwi'n bullish, swnllyd, ac mae'n ymddangos i gasáu fi fel person llysieuol sy'n nayoyoyo! Un noson pan nad yw fy rhieni o gwmpas, mae storm sydyn yn achosi toriad pŵer!
- She is usually a bullish sister-in-law and has a strange atmosphere with super close contact! Suddenly, my sister-in-law has a cute face, but she has a bit of a difficult personality! Anyway, I'm bullish, noisy, and seem to hate me as a herbivorous person who is nayoyoyo! One night when my parents are not around, a sudden storm causes a power outage!