HUNTA-358: - Roedd yr athrawes feithrin dan straen yn llawn libido super a merched blydi gwaywffon rhwystredig! 2 Pan es i i'r ysgol feithrin lle mae fy chwaer yn gweithio oherwydd bod gen i errand, roedd yr ysgol feithrin Mr / Ms a oedd yn gweithio goramser hyd yn oed ar ôl oriau gofal plant yn edrych arnaf yn rhyfedd. Cyn gynted ag y diflannodd fy chwaer ...
- The stressed nursery teacher was full of super libido and frustrated spearman busty girls! 2 When I went to the nursery school where my sister works because I had an errand, the nursery school Mr./Ms. who were working overtime even after childcare hours were over looked at me strangely. As soon as my sister disappeared ...