JUY-679: Mae dyn du ifanc o'r Unol Daleithiau sy'n ffan mawr o'r gemau a wnes i fel crëwr gêm wedi dod o'r Unol Daleithiau. Roedd yn "otaku" fel y'i gelwir ac roedd eisiau gweld diwylliant otaku Japan, felly gofynnodd i'w wraig fod yn ganllaw iddo. Pan ddychwelodd adref, anghofiodd a mynd...
A young black man from the United States who is a big fan of the games I made as a game creator has come from the United States. He was a so-called "otaku" and wanted to see Japan's otaku culture, so he asked his wife to act as a guide. When he returned home, he forgot and went ...