GETS-099: [* Shocking oherwydd ei fod yn rhy super datblygedig] Ymwelodd Mr / Ms. y drws nesaf â fy nhŷ mewn ffrog maxi gwlyb bicho a'm hudo! - Os cewch godi ar bra pur sy'n glynu'n berffaith at eich croen noeth a'i wthio i lawr heb amynedd ... I'r Duw mawr!

[* Shocking because it is too super developed] The back Mr./Ms. next door visited my house in a bicho wet maxi dress and seduced me! - If you get an erection on a sheer bra that sticks perfectly to your bare skin and push it down without patience ... To God Expansion!

Dyddiad Rhyddhau: 12/14/2018
Runtime: 120 Munud