IENF-028: - Roedd y ferch wnes i alw gyda Deriheru yn rhy sensitif a sgwichian ac yn gwneud i fy stafell squirt, felly pan wnes i wylltio, roedd hi'n gadael i mi ei wneud, ond roeddwn i'n teimlo hynny a doeddwn i ddim yn disgwyl iddo fod yn orgasm parhaus! - Ro'n i mewn trafferth gyda sgwennu pellach! 8
- The daughter I called with Deriheru was too sensitive and squirted and made my room squirt, so when I got angry, she let me do it, but I felt it and I didn't expect it to be a continuous orgasm! - I was in trouble with further squirting! 8