HOMA-144: No vaig tenir més remei que quedar-me a casa amb el meu subordinat que va perdre l'últim tren a causa de les hores extres. - Estava emocionat d'estar exposat al meu cos desprotegit i segur, i vaig sembrar moltes vegades fins al matí al dormitori on la meva dona estava absent. Aiho Tin

I had no choice but to stay at home with my subordinate who missed the last train due to overtime. - I was excited to be exposed to my unprotected and safe body, and I seeded many times until the morning in the bedroom where my wife was absent. Aiho Tin

Data de llançament: 08/27/2024
Execució: 140 min
Actriu: Suzu Aiho
Estudi: h.m.p DORAMA