HUNTA-163: "Si vas a portar goma, em pots... Tens el coratge d'aquí??" Fins a l'any passat, era una escola per a noies (i una escola de nenes), i quan vaig entrar en una escola que es va convertir en co-ed aquest any, jo era l'únic home. És per això que la guàrdia està fluixa, així que, per descomptat, podeu mirar tant com vulgueu, de manera que sempre està en plena erecció.
"If you're going to wear rubber, you can me ... Do you have the courage to here??" Until last year, it was an all-girls school (and a girls' school), and when I entered a school that became co-ed this year, I was the only man. That's why the guard is loose, so of course you can watch as much as you want, so it's always in a full erection!