HUNTA-204: Què!? Seriosament!? La meva cunyada introdueix les cames d'en Kotatsu i es torna boja! - Vaig pensar que la meva nova cunyada estava fent alguna cosa a la meva habitació, i quan vaig obrir la porta d'amagat, vaig recolzar el kotatsu contra la paret, em vaig treure les natges, li vaig introduir les cames i ho vaig sentir! Estic sorprès i no puc treure'm els ulls!
What!? Seriously!? My sister-in-law inserts Kotatsu's legs and goes crazy! - I thought that my new sister-in-law was doing something in my room, and when I secretly opened the door, I leaned the kotatsu against the wall, stuck out my buttocks, inserted her legs into my and felt it! I'm surprised and can't take my eyes off it!