XRW-234: - Si no ets bo besant, el teu xicot no t'agradarà, i se't farà utilitzar com a taula de pràctica per al teu millor amic, i hauria de ser el primer petó lèsbic entre amigues, però es gira! Mentre se superposava els llavis i enredava la llengua i s'acariciava, un gran erigit de l'entrecuix de Lindle... - Dues persones que no poden reprimir la seva excitació ho deixen a l'atzar i tenen sexe vaginal!

- If you are not good at kissing, you will be disliked by your boyfriend, and you will be made to use it as a practice table for your best friend, and it should be the first lesbian kiss between friends, but it turns around! As she overlapped her lips and entangled her tongue and caressed each other, a big erected from Lindle's crotch ... - Two people who can not suppress their excitement leave it to chance and have vaginal shot sex!

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Data de llançament: 11/25/2016
Execució: 110 min
Estudi: K M Produce