DOCP-003: 0% compatibilitat personalitat, 200% compatibilitat SEXE! El meu cunyat, que no coincideix amb la meva personalitat, sembla que no vol fer mal al meu germà sense llavors, i em va demanar a mi, el meu germà petit, que "ho posés dins"! - Si inseriu Ji ○ per posar-lo dins com vulgueu, serà de seguida! - Si pistons una mica, tornaràs a estar súper viu! !!
0% personality compatibility, 200% SEX compatibility! My brother-in-law, who doesn't match my personality, doesn't seem to want to hurt my seedless brother, and asked me, my younger brother, to "put it inside"! - If you insert Ji ○ to put it inside as you want, it will be right away! - If you piston a little, you will be super alive again! !!