UMD-625: Obstetrícia i ginecologia ● !! L'esperat naixement del primer fill! - L'oncle d'un obstetra-ginecòleg lasciu a una jove esposa que mai ha donat a llum el Sr./Ms. és inexpert i ignorant, però el bo és que la part inferior sensible del cos separada per una cortina s'anomena tractament perquè la infermera no se n'assabenti! 6

Obstetrics and gynecology ● !! The long-awaited birth of the first child! - The uncle of a lewd obstetrician-gynecologist to a young wife who has never given birth Mr./Ms. is inexperienced and ignorant, but the good thing is that the responsive lower body separated by a curtain is called treatment so that the nurse does not find out! 6

Data de llançament: 02/10/2018
Execució: 120 min
Estudi: LEO