OYC-171: S'acosta la graduació! La meva cunyada i la seva amiga estan practicant un concurs de begudes a casa! Sóc menor d'edat, així que vaig a beure suc ~! La meva cunyada i les seves amigues estan a punt de graduar-se, així que estem practicant junts per a la vida del campus. - Al lloc on estic bevent de les torrades del suc bonic, perquè la dona sola no s'emocionarà i no serà una pràctica ...
Graduation is coming! My sister-in-law and her female friend are practicing a drinking contest at home! I'm a minor, so I'm going to drink juice~! My sister-in-law and her friends are about to graduate, so we are practicing together for campus life. - To the place where I am drinking from the toast from the cute juice, because the woman alone will not be excited and it will not be a practice ...