GDHH-104: - Tenir en secret una aventura domèstica amb el seu gendre amagant-se del seu marit L'ordit no coincideix amb el gendre que es va fer després de tornar a casar-se, i sempre és sacsejat! Deixa'm pensar... Coquetejant quan tots dos esteu sols! - Sempre sexe vaginal amb el gendre de Ji Po, que és més jove i enèrgic que el seu marit!
- Secretly have a domestic affair with her son-in-law hiding in her husband - She doesn't warp with her son-in-law, who was born after remarriage, and is always jerky! Let me think ... Flirting when the two of you are alone! - Always vaginal shot sex with Ji Po's son-in-law, who is younger and more energetic than her husband!