HUNTA-574: - L'únic alè del club de voleibol de la mare durant el camp d'entrenament és el meu Ji Po! 3 Quan vaig anar a ajudar a un camp d'entrenament dirigit per un familiar, va venir un grup de mare del club de voleibol! A més, totes elles tenen uns pits enormes ...! - Estic quan veig les dones amb uns pits tan enormes... No era l'únic que ho feia! Grup de pràctica dura i ascetisme...
- The only breath of the mom's volleyball club during the training camp is my Ji Po! 3 When I went to help at a training camp run by a relative, a group of mommy volleyball club came! Moreover, all of them have huge breasts ...! - I'm when I see the wives with such huge breasts ... I wasn't the only one who was doing it! Hard practice & asceticism group...