HUNTA-457: - Si estimules súper els punts d'acupuntura que sent el teu amic de la infància amb un massatge que està fora de lloc, tindràs convulsions explosives! No tinc res a veure amb estudiar o fer exercici, i ara mateix sóc un ronin! El meu amic de la infància estava preocupat per mi i va venir a veure com estava. No obstant això, em van clavar al pit de la meva amiga de la infància que tenia uns pits grans mentre no la veia durant un temps! Va dir: "Últimament sento moltes espatlles...

- If you super stimulate the acupuncture points that your childhood friend feels with a massage that is off the mark, you will have explosive convulsions! I don't have anything to do with studying or exercising, and I'm a ronin right now! My childhood friend was worried about me and came to see how I was doing. However, I was nailed to the chest of my childhood friend who had big breasts while I didn't see it for a while! She said, "I've been feeling a lot of shoulders lately...

Data de llançament: 06/19/2018
Execució: 235 min
Estudi: Hunter