GDHH-138: El meu somni s'ha fet realitat! - Una sogra enfeinada que és massa amable! - A causa del nou matrimoni del meu pare, la meva sogra, que va néixer de sobte, té uns pits súper grans i és súper bonica! I super suau! Sóc massa bonica per acceptar-la com a mare...! - Però la meva secreta propensió! L'incest de mare i fill el va trobar la meva sogra...
My dream has become a reality! - A busty mother-in-law who is too kind! - Due to my father's remarriage, my mother-in-law, who was suddenly born, has super big breasts and is super beautiful! And super gentle! I'm too beautiful to accept as a mother ...! - But my secret propensity! The incest AV of mother and son was found by my mother-in-law ...