JUL-051: Reforma de l'estil de treball NTR Com a president d'una petita i mitjana empresa, treballava hores extres sol a l'oficina sense anar a casa per compensar l'escassetat de mà d'obra per compensar l'escassetat de mà d'obra, però el meu subordinat va pujar a temps i va mantenir la meva dona ... Yuka Oshima

Work Style Reform NTR As the president of a small and medium-sized company, I was working overtime alone in the office without going home to compensate for the labor shortage in order to make up for the labor shortage, but my subordinate went up on time and held my wife ... Yuka Oshima

Data de llançament: 11/25/2019
Execució: 120 min
Actriu: Yuka Oshima