GIGL-591: Han passat 5 anys des que em vaig graduar a ⇒'escola inferior local i em vaig traslladar a Tòquio, i encara sóc a temps parcial. Era addicte a una aventura amb ties a temps parcial que venien a un apartament on vivia sola i em cuidaven tractant-me com un home guapo que no era popular entre les noies de la mateixa edat en absolut Aspectes destacats

It's been 5 years since I graduated from ⇒ local bottom school and moved to Tokyo, and I'm still a part-timer! I was addicted to an affair with part-time aunts who came to an apartment where I lived alone and took care of me by treating me as a handsome man who was not popular with girls of the same age at all Highlights

Data de llançament: 03/27/2020
Execució: 240 min