IENF-172: La meva tutora em va dir: "Pensava que no ho sabia, però em van enxampar" i, tot i que té uns pits grans, porta un punt descarat que encaixa perfectament, així que no puc evitar preocupar-me! No vaig poder aguantar més i vaig enterrar la cara i la vaig fregar, però em vaig ruboritzar i no em vaig resistir, així que vaig llençar el semen que s'havia acumulat a la part posterior de l'úter! 2
My tutor said, "I thought I didn't know, but I got caught," and even though she has big breasts, she wears a braless knit that fits perfectly, so I can't help but be worried! I couldn't stand it anymore and buried my face and rubbed it, but I blushed and didn't resist, so I threw out the semen that had accumulated in the back of my uterus! 2