HND-926: L'existència d'aquella noia que només jo conec ... L'actriu AV Akari Mitani es va unir a la meva companyia, així que si vaig fingir no saber que existia i vaig confessar, estava bé! Quan el vaig anar a visitar a casa, de sobte va canviar..."Saps de què parlo, no?" Per molts trets que disparés, no el deixava dormir i continuava a dins fins a les 8 del matí.

The existence of that girl that only I know ... AV actress Akari Mitani joined my company, so if I pretended not to know it existed and confessed, it was OK! When I went to visit him at home, he suddenly changed..."You know what I'm talking about, don't you?" No matter how many shots I shot, I didn't let him sleep and continued to inside until 8 o'clock in the morning.

Data de llançament: 12/25/2020
Execució: 150 min
Actriu: Akari Mitani
Estudi: Hon Naka