GS-225: - Una empleada massa eròtica amb un gran als seus 30 anys es troba amb un lloc on té problemes perquè el seu no cap en una faldilla ajustada! - Tot i que amaga "vaig veure un mal lloc...", ja era massa tard, i vaig pensar que em trobarien i em renyarien, però em vaig veure obligada a ajudar-la a portar faldilla dient: "Escolta, em pots ajudar...?"
- A female employee who is too erotic with a big ass in her 30s encounters a place where she is in trouble because her ass does not fit in a tight skirt! - Although she hides "I saw a bad place ...", it was already too late, and I thought that I would be found and scolded, but I was forced to help her wear a skirt saying, "Hey, can you help me ...?"