DHLD-006: Je li to ono o čemu se radi u posvećenoj sestrinstvu? Zbog prekrasne medicinske sestre koja mi briše tijelo (bradavice) koje ne mogu okupati, Ji ● Po doseže granicu strpljenja ... Takve glasine su se proširile odjednom, i pet frustriranih anđela u bijelim mantilima dolazi u bolničku sobu da stimuliraju moje bradavice!

Is this what dedicated nursing is all about? Because of the beautiful nurse who wipes my body (nipples) that I can't bathe, Ji ● Po reaches the limit of patience ... Such rumors spread at once, and five frustrated angels in white coats come to the hospital room to stimulate my nipples in turn!

Datum izlaska: 09/01/2024
Runtime: 132 min
Studio: OFFICE K'S