TEM-020: Gledam puno. I uznemiravaj komšije nestašnim zvukovima. Udata djevojka iz susjedne kuće pita i prilazi. Pitao sam je da li može malo osušiti grbu jer sam djevica. Prije nego što sam to shvatio, ona me je sušila i šamarao, a onda nisam mogao pomoći, ali ja.

I Watch A Ton of AV. And Disturb My Neighbors With The Naughty Sounds. The Married Chick From Next Door Hears And Comes Over. So I Ask Her If She Would Just Dry Hump Me A Bit, Since I Am A Virgin. Before I Know It, She's Dry Humping Me And Then Just Can't Resist Fucking Me!

Datum izlaska: 10/01/2015
Runtime: 130 min
Studio: Prestige