JKSR-221: Znate li detalje ove žene, g-dine/gospođe? 08 Odmah udata po završetku viših fakulteta, mlada supruga predsednika Tamanoko IT i izvršna supruga tela koje se budi debeljuškastim bičem su u estrusu! Zašto sam postao "službena konstitucija koja guta sav rub i spermu"? Cijela priča.

Do you know the details of this wife, Mr./Ms.? 08 Immediately married after graduating from junior college, the young wife of the president of Tamanoko IT and the executive wife of the body that arouses with a plump whip are in estrus! Why did I become a 'service constitution that gobbles all the brim and sperm'? The whole story.

Datum izlaska: 02/25/2016
Runtime: 120 min
Studio: Big Morkal