SCPX-103: Poslovni put usluga brijanja cijelog tijela! Priča se da su estetičari koji rade u novoj uslužnoj industriji, poznatoj kao brijači dlaka na bradi, samo frustrirane udate žene koje ne mogu da podnesu da vide sirove kite! Neka takve udate žene piju čaj sa afrodizijacima proizvedenim u dubinama Indonezije, koji ima visok tonik efekat.

Business trip full-body shaving service! It is rumored that the estheticians who work in the new service industry, commonly known as chin hair shavers, are only frustrated married women who can't stand seeing raw cocks! Let such married women drink tea with aphrodisiacs produced in the depths of Indonesia, which has a high tonic effect ...

Datum izlaska: 03/25/2016
Runtime: 223 min
Studio: K M Produce