HUNTA-155: - Nezrela ćerka je super upečatljiva! Moja ćerka želi da se okupa sa mnom prvi put posle dugo vremena, pa kad se kupam sa ćerkom, iznenadila sam se što su mi grudi malo otečene! Šta više, naravno, to je super štrajk sa mojim omiljenim licem! - Kada sam linjao telo moje ćerke, osetio sam čudno gađenje u mojoj ćerki...

- Immature daughter is super striking! My daughter wants to take a bath with me for the first time in a long time, so when I take a bath with my daughter, I was surprised that my chest was a little swollen! What's more, of course, it's super strike with my favorite face! - When I was shedding my daughter's body, I felt a strange disgust in my daughter ...

Datum izlaska: 05/19/2016
Runtime: 240 min
Studio: Hunter