GDHH-020: - Nokautiran od strane sestrinog problematičnog hladnjaka za bradavice! U mojoj kući, gdje oba roditelja rade, sve kućne poslove ostavljam sestri! Bilo je od velike pomoći, ali da budem iskren, i ja sam u nevolji! - Zato što je u kući, moja sestra, koja je super bespomoćna, čisti, a bradavice su joj potpuno vidljive, da ne spominjem njen dekolte!
- Knocked out by my sister's troubled nipple chiller! In my house, where both parents work, I leave all the housework to my sister! It's been very helpful, but to be honest, I'm also in trouble! - Because it's in the house, my sister, who is super defenseless, is cleaning, and her nipples are completely visible, not to mention her cleavage!