AVOP-219: Transcendentna devojka bez premca! Kada sam ušla u školu koja je do prošle godine bila škola za devojčice (* i super škola koplja), mislila sam da ću čak i ja, koja nije bila u srodstvu sa devojčicama u nižoj srednjoj školi, moći lako da se snađem, ali bilo je i više od toga! Budući da postoje samo dva dječaka, neizbježno je da će škola biti škola za djevojčice i nezaštićeni panchira & chest chillers će prirodno dobiti erekciju.
Transcendent unequaled girl! When I entered a school that was an all-girls school until last year (* and a super spear school), I thought that even I, who was not related to girls in junior high school, would be able to get easily, but it was more than that! Since there are only two boys, it is inevitable that the school will be an all-girls school and unprotected panchira & chest chillers will naturally get an erection.