SDMU-575: Prati novu studentkinju JD kćeri× oca Majku Mr./Ms. iza čarobnog ogledala! Samo sa 18 godina! Odmah nakon ceremonije ulaska, ćerka studentkinje i njenog oca Mr./Ms. izazivaju H misiju u zatvorenoj sobi sa samo dve osobe! Otac koji je dodirnuo telo svoje odrasle ćerke izgubio je razum i pred majkom koja može da vidi kroz čarobno ogledalo.

Monitoring New first-year student JD daughter× father Mother Mr./Ms. behind the magic mirror! Only for 18 years old! Immediately after the entrance ceremony, the daughter of a female college student and her father Mr./Ms. challenge an H mission in a closed room with only two people! The father who touched the body of his grown daughter lost his reason and in front of his mother who can see through the magic mirror ...

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Datum izlaska: 04/20/2017
Runtime: 240 min
Studio: SOD Create