VOSS-042: Leđa Mr./Ms. (sudeći po vjenčanom prstenu) koju sam vidjela i čeznula u prepunom vlaku ujutro naišla je na prljavu ● ali umjesto odbijanja, to je bila prljava ● OK žena! Kada sam saznala da je tako, odlučila sam da prvi put probam tu tačku i uplašeno je dodirnem, rekavši: "Drhtim ... Jesi li nervozan?" Šapnuo sam na uho! Miho Tono

The back Mr./Ms. (judged by the wedding ring) that I had seen and longed for on a crowded train in the morning had encountered a filthy ● but instead of refusing, it was a filthy ● OK wife! When I found out that it was so, I decided to try the act for the first time and fearfully touched it, saying, "I'm trembling ... Are you nervous?" I whispered in my ear! Miho Tono

Datum izlaska: 06/19/2017
Runtime: 95 min
Glumica: Miho Tono
Studio: VENUS