MRXD-056: Da li žališ što si to uradio? Beznadežno? Hoćeš li to uraditi? Šta da radimo? Kakav je bio odnos posle toga?! Kolege, šefovi i podređeni u firmi koji ne bi trebalo da prelaze granicu Ako imate priliku da krenete na poslovni put, pokušajte da je pređete! Razlog? Sukob? Ako hoćeš seks, uradi to! Jer to su ljudska bića.

Do you regret doing it? Hopeless? Will you do it? What do we do? What was the relationship after that?! Colleagues, bosses, and subordinates in the company who should not cross the line If you have the opportunity to go on a business trip, try to cross it! Reason? Conflict? If you want to have sex, do it! Because that's what human beings are.

Datum izlaska: 09/13/2017
Runtime: 110 min
Studio: MARX