SCPX-234: Kao samohrani otac, borio sam se da podižem svoju decu! - Možda nisam mogla da vidim tako nepouzdan izgled, ali domaćica iz komšiluka je postala mamina prijateljica! - Ako vas razmazi udata žena mekih grudi, vaše simpatije će se na kraju promeniti u estrus i imaćete odnos sa ○○○-chan mamom između negovanja!

As a single father, I struggled to raise my children! - Maybe I couldn't see such an unreliable appearance, but the neighborhood housewife became my mom's friend! - If you are spoiled by a married woman soft breasts by the way, your sympathy will eventually change to estrus and you will have a relationship with ○○-chan mom in between nurturing!

Datum izlaska: 11/10/2017
Runtime: 176 min
Studio: K M Produce