NKKD-073: Kažem nešto poput, "Nisam baš zainteresovan za H..." Dobio sam svoju trijeznu, oktoratnu i štrebersku djevojku Mr./Ms. tajno i uporno skidao malo po malo bez da sam rekao svom dečku, i konačno sam dobio svoje omiljeno držanje i Ahe lice dubpy! * Usput, osjećaj je predobar i tu je i "deklaracija rastanka" ... (znoj).

I'm saying something like, "I'm not very interested in H ..." I got my sober, octorate, and nerdy girlfriend Mr./Ms. secretly and persistently took it off little by little without telling my boyfriend, and finally I got my favorite hold & Ahe face dubpy! * By the way, it feels too good and there is also a "declaration of parting" ... (sweat).

Datum izlaska: 03/13/2018
Runtime: 170 min
Studio: JET Eizo