HUNTA-425: Nakon što je nježno rekao "Hajde" mom ocu, okrenuo se i rekao mi: "Oi! I intenzivan teaser? - Prekrasna i nježna svekrva koja je došla u našu kuću nakon što se moj otac preudala zapravo je super koplje bivšeg galsera! Ne mogu to uopšte da zamislim iz uobičajene uredne i čiste atmosfere, a moj otac ne zna za njenu prošlost...

After gently saying "Come on" to my father, he turned around and said to me, "Oi! And an intense teaser? - The beautiful and gentle mother-in-law who came to our house after my father remarried was actually a super spear man of a former galser! I can't imagine it at all from the usual neat and clean atmosphere, and my father doesn't know about its past ...

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Datum izlaska: 03/19/2018
Runtime: 245 min
Studio: Hunter