SCPX-289: Moja prsata rođakinja koja je došla da odsedne u mojoj sobi u kojoj živim sama nosila je moju belu Y-majicu bez grudnjaka sledećeg jutra! - Nehotično super erekcija u nezaštićenom dekolteu! - Ali rečeno mi je da je u redu ako je to Onii-chan, a ja to ne mogu podnijeti i ubacio ga sirov sa djevicom Ji Po!
My busty cousin who came to stay in my room where I live alone was wearing my white Y-shirt without a bra the next morning! - Involuntarily super erection in an unprotected cleavage! - But I was told that it was okay if it was Onii-chan, and I couldn't stand it and inserted it raw with a virgin Ji Po!