OYC-235: - Ako jurite devojku ○ studentkinju koja pobegne u biblioteci i nastavi da mesa njene prelepe grudi, super osetljiva devojka će potisnuti svoj glas i osetiti ga dok ga mrzi! Čak i ako ga nasilno ubacite, umjesto da vam se ne sviđa, osjetit ćete ga i bit će tako gadno da ćete podivljati!

- If you chase a girl ○ student who runs away in the library and continue to knead her beautiful breasts, a super sensitive girl will suppress her voice and feel it while hating it! Even if you forcibly insert it, instead of disliking it, you will feel it and it will be so nasty that you will spree!

Datum izlaska: 02/19/2019
Runtime: 150 min