USAG-001: "Kada vidim prepone muškarca na ulici, samo dobijem jednu sa svojim zabludama", kaže Tsutomu Gari, koji je nosio čaše sa dnom flaše kada je bio student. Ona je sada žena od karijere koja radi za registrovanu kompaniju. Ali u stvari, Neske žena koja voli Ji Po sa preuranjenom ejakulacijom de M konstitucije koja se neprekidno zeza kada ima seks
"When I see the crotch of a man on the street, I just get a with my delusions," says Tsutomu Gari, who wore bottle-bottom glasses when he was a student. She is now a career woman who works for a listed company. But in fact, a Neske woman who loves Ji Po with a premature ejaculation de M constitution that continuously messes when she has sex