GS-302: Istražujući podrum sa učenicom Učenica me je zamolila da istražim podrum škole, ali sam se uplašila, pa kad sam odbila, rekla sam "u navici muškarca", pa nisam imala izbora nego da slijedim ... - Prijeti mi ženskom navikom! Štaviše, on se zabavljao sa mnom i pitao: "Da li ti se kurac smanjuje kada si uplašen?"

Exploring the basement with a female student A female student asked me to go exploring the basement of the school, but I was scared, so when I refused, I said "in the habit of a man", so I had no choice but to follow ... - She threatens me with a girl's habit! Moreover, he was amused by me and asked, "Does your dick shrink when you're scared?"

DVD-ID: GS-302
Datum izlaska: 12/12/2019
Runtime: 120 min