URE-109: ይህ ተከታታይ ርዕስ በአጠቃላይ ከ120,000 DL በላይ ሆኗል! የኦሪጂናል Koshiyama ማዳከም ጉድ ሆት ስፕሪንግ The sequel the sequel the plump bikini "Good hot spring is a good spring is a good spring ~" & አንድ የቀጥታ ተግባር ብቻ የመጀመሪያው ክስተት ምናምን ተጨምሯል! ቃና ኩሳካቤ
The series has exceeded 120,000 DL in total! Original: Koshiyama Weakening Good Hot Spring The sequel depicting the plump bikini "Good hot spring is a good spring ~" & an original episode only for live action has also been added! Kana Kusakabe